Sunday, April 5, 2020

Shake and General Conference

Watching Conference
On Tuesday evening, I was sitting at the dinner table when everything started to move. Deb was standing at the kitchen counter doing some things to get ready for supper. She did not feel it, but Lilli, also sitting at the dinner table, felt it. Then Angie came bounding out of her bedroom. She had felt it. We found out that a 6.5 magnitude earthquake had hit near Stanley, Idaho. It shook our home hard enough to stop the grandfather clock in the front room. It seemed to shake forever.

General Conference was a powerful, spiritual two-day event. We learned of a new symbol for the Church, President Nelson has asked for a worldwide fast on Good Friday, April 10, eight new temples were announced including one in Dubai (first temple in a Muslim country) and in Shanghai, China. President Nelson reiterated that the temple will be for the Chinese only and that missionaries will not be sent. We also had a solemn assembly as President Nelson introduced a new proclamation commemorating the bicentennial of the First Vision. To conclude the conference, President Nelson pronounced an Apostolic Blessing on the members of the church. Deb and I wept through the entire blessing. Deb broke down and sobbed when he pronounced that anyone with health concerns would have them resolved.

It was a wonderful conference. President Nelson promised it would be unforgettable. It really was!

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