Sunday, April 25, 2021

Round Two


We are doing round two with Lilli. She is back into the behavioral center in Idaho Falls. This time, hopefully, she will get the help that she really needs. She is struggling big time with life and its challenges. It is SO heartbreaking to see her struggle and not know what to do. Thankfully, we spoke with the doctor treating her, and she seems to understand her situation better than anyone that we have so far met with.

On the other hand, Angie is really excited. She was asked to Prom by a classmate, Carter Hall. We do not know him, but we have had many reports of how great of a kid he is. Angie and Deb have been working on getting her ready for the date. I just sit back and watch.

We have a car back, but it has cost a lot of money to get it going. The alternator quit working and $1,200 later we have the car working. Unfortunately, the "check engine" light comes on. We have to get that figured out.

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