Sunday, November 22, 2020

Give Thanks

 The prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, has given us direction to express our gratitude for all that Heaven Father has given us. As such, I would like to express my thanks for my family--my parents, siblings, wife, and children. They are the reason I live, the reason I work, the reason I play. It gives me great joy when I see them happy. It also gives me great sorrow to see them sad. Without my family, my life would be but naught. Thank you Heavenly Father for the plan of happiness and the opportunity to live together forever.

I am afraid that if I try to number my blessings, I will forget something. These are just a few of my blessings: the wonderful country, state, county, and city in which I live and the freedoms from living here; the job that I have that provides the income to support my family; the friends who support me when I need it; the love of family and friends; the fandom I have for BYU, ISU, Marsh Valley, and the other sport teams that I follow. These are but a few of the things that I am thankful for.

As for the news of the week, COVID is ravaging our communities. We got word that Mom and Todd have COVID. It was confirmed on Monday. Today, we received word that Dick and Fran have it. I will be so glad when this scourge is over!

BYU whipped North Alabama 66-14 yesterday. Their next scheduled game is not for 3 weeks. However, rumors abound that BYU and other schools are talking about scheduling games.

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