Sunday, August 23, 2020

Back to School

Deb and the girls went back to school on Wednesday.  Tuesday night, I gave the girls each a Father's Blessing. I also gave Deb a blessing as she starts teaching her new kindergarten class.

Deb said that she has a "cute" class. It was hard on her these first two days, but she is excited to teach her new kids. Angie is excited about school, and Lilli seems to have a goal set to do well this year. She is still complaining that she has to take band.

Saturday was bitter-sweet. Deb made some delicious zucchini bread, but I really messes up my foot. I was trimming some branches from the tree in the back yard when I fell off the ladder. Initially, I did not think I was hurt, but when I got up after sitting some time, I could hardly walk since my foot hurt so bad. Ugh! I may have to do a doctor visit on Monday.

Sacrament Meeting was held at the church. Bishop Downs had surgery and was not there. It was a short and sweet meeting, but it was wonderful to feel the spirit of the fellow ward members.

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